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Biosafety during the participation of children in clinical trials

The participation of children in a clinical study

Inclusion and exclusion criteria define the characteristics of a participant for a clinical trial. Depending on the type and objective of the study, it is important to know the function of a clinical trial.

The functionality of a clinical study is governed through the analysis and investigation of techniques that seek to prevent, detect or treat diseases, helping patients suffering from chronic diseases to cope with their lifestyles.

There are diseases that are common in children, such as: sore throats and earaches, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, coughs and common colds. Therefore, the objective in involving infant patients is determined in order to study treatments that are safe and beneficial for them.

Biosafety during the participation of children in clinical trials
Biosafety during the participation of children in clinical trials

What is the importance of clinical trials?

The results of past clinical trials have significantly improved the life expectancy and well-being of the current population. According to the National Cancer Institute, people today are living longer because of treatments or drugs successfully developed through clinical trials.

By participating in a clinical trial, you contribute to our knowledge and help us improve care and treatment for future patients. Clinical trials are the key to making progress against disease.

Are clinical trials safe?

Every clinical trial follows a detailed plan called a protocol. A protocol is designed to minimize the risks of the study, increase the chances of obtaining useful results, and answer specific research questions. The protocol includes a description of who can and cannot participate and the estimated duration of the study.

Kids specimen collection

At Alpha Research Institute currently, in this study children only participate as donors, i.e. they come to the clinic or we also have the option to go to their home to collect the specimen if there are 3 or more participants. The blood sample they donate is one of the most relevant medical tests for the prevention and diagnosis of diseases or health conditions. Once the sample is taken from the donor, the blood is analyzed in a clinical laboratory to know its composition and collect data for the detection of diseases and medical treatments.

By participating as a donor, you are contributing to medical science and helping other people in the future with a disease and increasing the number of treatment options.

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